About Us

The B.A.D (Bureau for Architecture and Design) Studio award winning multidisciplinary design practice operating in the field of Art, Architecture and Interior design, by creating a dialogue through design techniques, actively keeping in mind the social, cultural and contextual aspects. The B.A.D Studio is a brainchild of Ar. Boney Keriwala and Ar. Alak Parmar. Upon receiving his bachelor’s from Institute of Environmental Design, to pursue his passion in the field of design, Boney joined a reputed firm in Mumbai for a brief period of two years and achieved a hands-on experience. To further expanse his knowledge, Boney received his Master’s degree in advanced architecture design from the prestigious Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona. At the same time, Alak received her Bachelor’s degree from M.S. University of Vadodara and later gain professional experience to extend her practical skills. The duo founded The B.A.D Studio in the year 2018. Since its inception; the firm is actively associated with multiple residential, commercial, retail and hospitality projects along with art and pavilion design projects. The firm actively participates in numerous design competitions and have won notable awards.